Clodagh O' Herlihy LMFT, CCHT, PLLC.
Phone no :503-327-6440
Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist / Hypnotherapist
North Carolina LMFT License: 2199 ( CA License LMFT : 50969 / OR License LMFT : T3104 )
Phone no :503-327-6440
Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist / Hypnotherapist
North Carolina LMFT License: 2199 ( CA License LMFT : 50969 / OR License LMFT : T3104 )

My name is Clodagh O' Herlihy and I work as a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist.
My speciality is Relationship Therapy.
We can be happy in love, miserable in conflict and anything in between on any given day. We can't change life circumstances, however we can change our thoughts, feelings and behaviors.
Most of us love that honey moon high when we first meet a lover
or soulmate. Life is good, we are good. We see everything through tainted glasses. Often the couples or individuals that end up on my couch are those that lament that love they used to have for each other. For some it takes 2 to 60 years after the honey moon before they reach out for help.
As a relationship therapist I support clients changing the unconscious patterns that sabotage their intimacy and happiness in relationship. My approach is warm, intuitive, empathic, humorous when appropriate, gently offering feedback and welcoming feedback as well. It's my job to regularly check to see if the client feels safe, and grounded enough to be present.
Each person in therapy requires a slightly different approach and path.The results of therapy solely relies on the commitment of the client showing up and doing the work with the therapist.
Once clients explore and learn how to change these unconscious patterns the ability to empathize
and show compassion for their partner can be significantly impacted.This in tern helps to release some of the resentments that have built up over time. Mending fights can bring partners closer together, build bridges and strengthen trust and commitment.
When couples and individuals begin to take responsibility for their side of the conflict in relationship (be it within themselves or with others) they can then begin to release the self criticism, and the blame game. We all as humans strive to let go and release ourselves of resentments and blame, and the choice of this can only bring more love and happiness.
My eclectic array of techniques can support a variety of clientele. These different techniques such as Emotionally Focused Therapy, Gestalt Therapy, Transactional Analysis, Energy Psychology, Internal Family Systems (IFS), Hypnotherapy and many others.
"Trusting your gut. Using your 6th Sense. Having a hunch. These are all ways of describing your built-in intuition or guidance system. We all have it. In fact, your gut makes more neuro- chemicals than your brain. Simply desiring to develop your intuition – or regain it is
a good start." –Dr Christiane Northrup, MD.
Challenges that I support :I work with individuals, and couples with a wide range of emotional challenges:
- Anxiety and ADHD.
- Abuse and trauma.
- Artistic / career blocks.
- Co-dependency / highly sensitive empaths.
- Cross-cultural, societal and financial challenges.
- Depression and grief.
- Mania and Psychosis.
- Parenting challenges / blended or adoptive families.
- Self esteem issues.
- Sexual and intimacy challenges / Infidelity.
- Spiritual exploration and growth.
- Sleep issues / Insomnia.